Hi, my name is Andrea

Aspiring front-end developer

based in capital region, Denmark, just west of Copenhagen

Email address:



picture of me

I started to learn HTML, CSS and JS in 2021 as a hobby, but soon realized I had found my passion. I started to dream about becoming a developer and in 2022 I began taking more serious courses, where I deepened my knowledge on HTML, CSS, JS and learned about GitHub, Bootstrap, JQuery, Figma and other developer tools. I also completed an intensive course exploring C#, .net, Entityframework and Entityframework core, including SQL server management and migration. I want to work as a developer, because I fell in love with writing code. I love how I build something when I code. To me it is like being a carpenter who builds amazing things just from wood and their skill. In the same way I want to build things which are useful, yet aesthetic. I want to make my passion into my career, therefore I dedicate my free time towards learning more.

My formal education is not in IT, but as a linguist I am apt at writing, and need to be extremely detail oriented, while always envisioning the big picture. I studied communications, because just as with coding I enjoy writing, producing, building and spending hours on getting that one detail just right. Code however, has so much more of a real-life impact. As a MSc of the social science, I can use analytical methodology to, for example, conduct user research. Furthermore, in previous jobs I was always been drawn to taking on additional and more technical roles than those that were in my job description and I want to continue that way.